Dr. Catherine Eckel
Grossman, Philip J., Catherine Eckel, Mana Komai, and Wei Zhan. “It Pays to Be a Man: Rewards for Leaders in a Coordination Game.” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 161: 197-215. May 2019.
Candelo, Natalia, Angela C. M. de Oliveira, and Catherine Eckel, “Worthiness versus Self-Interest in Charitable Giving: Evidence from a Low-Income, Minority Neighborhood.” Southern Economic Journal 85(4): 1196-1216. March 2019.
Sheheryar Banuri, Angela de Oliveira and Catherine Eckel. “Care Provision: An Experimental Investigation.” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 157: 615-630. January 2019.
Candelo, Natalia, Rachel T. A. Croson and Catherine Eckel, “Transmission of Information within Transnational Social Networks: A Field Experiment.” Experimental Economics. December 2018, Volume 21(4): 905–923. December 2018.
Charness, Gary, Catherine Eckel, Uri Gneezy, and Agne Kajackaite. “Complexity in Risk Elicitation May Affect Conclusions: A Demonstration Using Gender Differences.” Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 56(1): 1–17. February 2018.
Eckel, Catherine C., David Herberich, and Jonathan Meer. A field experiment on directed giving at a public university. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 66: 66-71. February 2017.
Dr. Alex Brown
Stephenson, Daniel G. and Alexander L. Brown. “Playing the Field in All-pay Auctions.” Experimental Economics, forthcoming
Lin, Po-Hsuan, Alexander L. Brown, Taisuke Imai, Joseph Yao-yi Wang, Stephanie W. Wang, and Colin F. Camerer. “General Economic Principles of Bargaining and Trade: Evidence from 2,000 Classroom Experiments.” Nature Human Behaviour, 4, 917-927, September 2020.
Lovallo, Dan, Alexander L. Brown, David J. Teece, and David Bardolet. “Resource Re-allocation Capabilities in Internal Capital Markets: The Value of Overcoming Inertia.” Strategic Management Journal, 41(8):1365-1380, August 2020
Brown, Alexander L., Jonathan Meer and J. Forest Williams, 2018. “Why Do People Volunteer? An Experimental Analysis of Preferences for Time Donations.” Management Science, 65(4):1455-1468.
Van Huyck, John, Ajalavat Viriyavipart, and Alexander L. Brown, 2018. “When Less Information is Good Enough: Experiments with Global Stag Hunt Games.” Experimental Economics 21: 527-548.
Brown, Alexander L., Ajalavat Viriyavipart, and Xiaoyuan Wang, 2018. “Search Deterrence in Experimental Consumer Goods Markets.” European Economic Review 104: 167-184.
Dr. Marco Castillo
“Strategic Uncertainty and Equilibrium Selection in Stable Matching Mechanisms: Experimental Evidence,” with Ahrash Dianat, forthcoming Experimental Economics.
”Room Composition Effects and Risk Taking by Gender,” with Greg Leo and Ragan Petrie, 2020, Experimental Economics, 23(3), 895-911
Castillo, Marco and Ragan Petrie, 2019. “Bargaining in the Field,” in Handbook of Experimental Game Theory, Monica Capra, Rachel Croson, Mary Rigdon and Tanya Rosenblatt, eds., Edward Elgar.
Castillo, Marco, Jeffrey L. Jordan and Ragan Petrie, 2019. “Discount Rates of Children and High School Graduation” The Economic Journal, 129(619), 1153-1181.
Castillo, Marco, Jeffrey L. Jordan and Ragan Petrie, 2018. “Children’s Rationality, Risk Attitudes, and Field Behavior,” European Economic Review, 102, 62-81.
Castillo, Marco, Phil Cross and Mikhail Freer, 2019. “Nonparametric Utility Theory in Strategic Settings: Revealing Preferences and Beliefs from Games of Proposal and Response,” Games and Economic Behavior, 115, 60-82.
Dr. Ragan Petrie
Castillo, Marco, Gregory Leo and Ragan Petrie, 2020, “Room Composition Effects on Risk Taking by Gender,” Experimental Economics, 23(3), 895-911.
Mosquera, Roberto, Mofioluwasademi Odunowo, Trent McNamara, Xiongfei Guo and Ragan Petrie, 2020, “The Economic Effects of Facebook,” Experimental Economics, 23(2), 575-602.
Castillo, Marco and Ragan Petrie, 2020, “Bargaining in the Field,” in Handbook of Experimental Game Theory, Monica Capra, Rachel Croson, Mary Rigdon and Tanya Rosenblatt, eds., Edward Elgar.
Castillo, Marco, Jeffrey L. Jordan and Ragan Petrie, 2019, “Discount Rates of Children and High School Graduation,” The Economic Journal, 129(619), 1153-1181.
Exley, Christine and Ragan Petrie, 2018. “The Impact of a Surprise Donation Ask,” Journal of Public Economics, 158, 152-167.
Castillo, Marco, Jeffrey L. Jordan and Ragan Petrie, 2018, “Children’s Rationality, Risk Attitudes, and Field Behavior,” European Economic Review, 102, 62-81.
Dr. Danila Serra
Abbink, Klaus, Dmitry Ryvkin and Danila Serra, 2020, “Corrupt Police”, Games and Economic Behavior, 123: 101-119.
Serra, Danila and C. Porter, 2019. “Gender differences in the choice of major: The importance of female role models,” Forthcoming in the American Economic Journal: Applied.
Serra, Danila and G. Spagnolo, 2018. “Motivating Whistleblowers,” Forthcoming Management Science.
Serra, Danila and D. Ryvkin, 2018. “Corruption and competition among bureaucrats: An experimental study,” Forthcoming in the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.